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  Function            setWhoa - set delay count for WHOA!.COM by Brad

  Syntax              boolean setWhoa(unsigned int delaycount);

  Prototype in        doshk.h

  Remarks             sets the delay count for WHOA!.COM (system
                      slow-down utility by Brad Crandall). The systems
                      slows more as values for delaycount get larger.

  Return value        returns TRUE if WHOA!.COM is successfully slowed,
                      FALSE otherwise.

  See also            isWhoa(), uninstallWhoa()

  Example             #include <doshk.h>

                           if (isWhoa()) {
                                printf("Whoa! is ");
                                if (! setWhoa(100u))
                                     printf("not ");
                                printf("successfully slowed\n");
                           } else
                                printf("Whoa! is not installed");

See Also: isWhoa() uninstallWhoa()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson